
The tactical voting choice in Brecon, Radnor & Cwm Tawe at the 2024 general election

Who is the best choice to vote for if you want to see the Conservatives lose in the Brecon, Radnor & Cwm Tawe constituency at the general election on 4 July 2024?

Tactical voting websites

Three tactical voting sites all come up with the same answer, vote for the Liberal Democrat candidate David Chadwick:

Stop The Tories in House of Commons - Brecon tactical voting
Tactical voting in Brecon, Radnor and Cwm Tawe General Election 2024
Brecon, Radnor and Cwm Tawe GetVoting org tactical voting recommendation

The seat’s history

That consistent Lib Dem call is not surprising as the heart of the seat is a constituency that has previously had Liberal Democrat MPs, most recently after the by-election win in the last Parliament.

In fact, the vast majority of this consistency has had a Lib Dem MP for the majority of the last 40 years. Richard Livsey held it from 1985-1992, then from 1997-2001. Roger Williams held it from 2001-2015, and Jane Dodds then won it in that 2019 by-election. Labour has not finished better than third place since 1985.

The Liberal Democrats also made major headways in the 2022 Powys council election, in which the council became the first led by the Lib Dems in Wales. The Lib Dem wins left the Conservatives with just a single councillor in all of Brecon, Radnor and Cwm Tawe.

Show your support

If you’re going to be voting for David Chadwick, the Liberal Democrat candidate, you can help his campaign by pledging your support here.

By letting him know that you will support him, the campaign can concentrate its efforts more effectively on those who most need persuading.

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