
Tory MP doesn’t like colleague, so he gets airbrushed out of photo

Conservative MP Ian Liddell-Grainger has always been very lucky not to be considered a major political figure and hence thanks to lack of much media interest to have managed to get away with past escapades such as claiming his website cost peanuts to run despite putting in Parliamentary expense claims for it that were rather more than peanuts, or publishing without permission on his website the private details of a constituent who had written to him to complain.

His latest outing into the stranger corners of political behaviour has made it to a short story on the BBC though: the airbrushing out of another Conservative from a photo.

A Somerset Conservative MP has admitted a fellow Tory was erased from a photo on his website because he was “narked”.

West Somerset Council leader Tim Taylor’s image was removed from Ian Liddell-Grainger’s site because the MP felt he had not been involved enough in a rivers project.

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