
Government defeated as Lib Dems win on votes at 16

A press release from the Liberal Democrats brings the news of success on a key amendment in the House of Lords

Liberal Democrat peers have tonight played a key role in defeating the Government, giving 16 and 17 year olds a voice in the EU referendum.

Following the victory Tim Farron, Leader of the Liberal Democrats, said:

The Liberal Democrats have been fighting for this for decades, and we are winning the argument.

This is a victory for democracy. We will give over a million people a voice on their future.

In Scotland, 16 and 17 year olds proved that they have they not only have the knowledge but also the enthusiasm to have a say on their own future. Taking that away now would do them an injustice.

The Government must now listen and act. Cameron cannot turn his back on 1.5 million young adults.

Paul Tyler, Liberal Democrats Political Reform Spokesperson, said:

We cannot deny interested and engaged young adults such an important vote. This is a say in their future, and with Cameron ruling out future referendums, they won’t get a voice for a long time coming.

Today I am proud that we have taken a small step to improve our democracy, following a campaign that the Liberal Democrats have led for decades.

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