
Vince Cable’s constituency office address

Liberal Democrat MP Vince Cable has an office in his Twickenham Parliament constituency. Its address is:

49 Church Lane
TW11 8PA
Constituency website: www.trlibdems.org.uk
Phone: 020 8977 0606
Email: vince.cable.mp@parliament.uk

You can also find him on Twitter and Facebook. An account of his political views is here and his autobiography is Free Radical.

If you’d like to contact him in his role as leader of the Liberal Democrats, then you should instead use Lib Dem HQ and you can email vince.cable@libdems.org.uk.

One response to “Vince Cable’s constituency office address”

  1. Following Mr Cable’s recent views on those older people who voted for brexit, would it be reasonable to assume that his favourite film is ‘Logans Run’? In which, as I am sure you know, everyone is exterminated when they reach the age of 30!!!!

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