
Guardian calls on Labour supporters to vote Lib Dem in Tiverton and Honiton

Despite, or perhaps because of, its liberal roots, the modern incarnation of The Guardian specialises at times in very tortured editorials about maybe, perhaps or not quite supporting the Liberal Democrats.

Leader of East Devon Council joins Liberal Democrats

Cllr Paul Arnott, leader of East Devon district council, has joined the Liberal Democrats. more

But in this Parliament there’s been an evolution in its views, as shown by the straightforward – well, as straightforward as Guardian editorials about the Lib Dems get – backing for tactical voting and strategic choices over where to campaign in its piece about the two Parliamentary by-elections coming up on Thursday:

Parties do not own their voters, who don’t like being taken for granted. The electorate knows how to vote tactically and understands pragmatic decisions about directing campaign resources.

This is happening to some extent. Labour heavyweights have flooded the Yorkshire constituency [of Wakefield], while Sir Ed Davey has concentrated his party’s energies on the Devon seat [of Tiverton and Honiton].

Informal cooperation to win next week’s byelections is a necessary way to convince Tories that their interests – and Britain’s – lie in ousting Mr Johnson. [The Guardian]

On a related point from a few days ago:

Tiverton and Honiton by-election - Ex-Labour minister appears to suggest voters go Lib Dem

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