
Mark Williams selected for Ceredigion

Mark Williams in Ceredigion constituency

The Welsh Liberal Democrats report:

Ceredigion Liberal Democrats have reselected Mark Williams as Liberal Democrats for Ceredigion following a vote of local party members. Mark Williams was formerly the MP for Ceredigion from 2005- 2017 and was the Leader of the Welsh Liberal Democrats. He and his wife Helen, who runs the local Community Hwb, live in Borth with their four children.

Since 2017 Mark has resumed his teaching career and has remained active in a range of local voluntary organisations and charities.

Commenting on his selection Mark Williams said:

“I am delighted to once again be our candidate in my home constituency, the place where we live, where my children have grown up and thrived, and in which I passionately believe has so much potential.

“Ceredigion is a wonderful place in which to live, but all too often is overlooked by UK Government Westminster and the Welsh Government in Cardiff Bay.

“That is why Ceredigion needs a strong voice to champion it in Parliament and why I’m going to be working hard to win back the seat and put Ceredigion’s interests first. Standing up for local communities has always been the defining characteristic of the Liberal Democrats.

“The Liberal Democrats’ commitment to internationalism, protecting our natural environment, standing up for carers and reforming our democracy are things I’m really looking forward to talking to residents about on the doorstep.

Responding to the news Cllr Elizabeth Evans, Leader of the Liberal Democrats on Ceredigion County Council said:

“I am delighted that Mark has been selected as our Westminster candidate for the next election. I, along with my council group colleagues look forward very much to campaigning with Mark on issues which matter most to the residents and businesses of the County. Mark is a committed campaigner and he hasn’t really taken his foot off the peddle once leaving Westminster, working in his local community and campaigning across the County on many issues. Mark is well respected, with a proven track record of getting things done. I know he cannot wait to get back on the campaign trail.“

See all the Liberal Democrat PPCs selected and publicly announced so far here.

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