
Councillor joins Lib Dems in Greenwich

The Greenwich Wire reports a new recruit to the Liberal Democrats:

A Greenwich councillor who quit the Labour Party last year after accusing a colleague of homophobia has joined the Liberal Democrats.

Chris Lloyd, who represents West Thamesmead, becomes the party’s first councillor at Woolwich Town Hall since 2010, the last time more than two parties were represented on Greenwich Council…

Lloyd said: “Here in Greenwich, the Liberal Democrats are a positive choice for improving public services, protecting vulnerable communities and tackling inequality.

“Pragmatism has always been an important part of my political outlook, and I wholeheartedly reject the current lurch into populism, both on the left and right.”

“It is easy to become disillusioned with politics and the political process, the current Conservative government has a lot to answer for in that regard. That is why I am making a positive choice to join the Liberal Democrats and play my part in getting a fair deal for Greenwich residents”.

Liberal Democrat Parliamentary Candidate for Greenwich & Woolwich Chris Annous said:

Chris brings with him a wealth of knowledge and experience in providing the scrutiny and liberal voice that Greenwich Council needs.

I look forward to working with Chris to champion the voices of Greenwich residents and to provide the opposition Greenwich & Woolwich deserves at the upcoming General Election, where with the Conservatives in freefall, the Liberal Democrats are the alternative to Labour.

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One response to “Councillor joins Lib Dems in Greenwich”

  1. Can you ask the Royal Borough of Greenwich to update their list of councillors and representatives as they still list Chris as an Independent not a Lib Dem.

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