
Autumn Federal Conference plans

After extensive feedback from members, the Federal Board agreed this week a plan for our Autumn Federal Conference.

It involves amending our normal conference plans so that it can be tailored to the requirements, opportunities and risks of an event so close to a general election. These include making it a 2.5 day event (14-16 September 2024 in Brighton).

There is some further information on the party website here, and in addition more details will be published as the plans are worked on.

A lot of work has gone into trying to get the balance of risks and opportunities right in these plans. Many thanks to all the staff and volunteers who have put in the hard work, and to everyone who responded to the earlier consultation.

(Note that as with all Board decisions, this one is subject to review by the Federal Council.)

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4 responses to “Autumn Federal Conference plans”

  1. ‘If a general election is called just before conference is due, then it will be cancelled.’ The wording is unclear. Does it mean conference will be cancelled if an election is *called* just before conference, or that conference will be cancelled if an election has been called and polling day falls just before conference?

    • It means that in the event of the dates for Special Conference coming after the Prime Minister has gone to the Palace to call a general election but before polling day (inclusive), the event will be cancelled, and may be replaced with an election rally.

      • So now we know that the General Election will be on July 4th 2024, can the Federal Board rescind its decision and let us go ahead with a full Federal Autumn Conference (with online voting).

  2. Mark, since the GE will now be July 4, can we please have our full three and a half day Conference? I think the present plan was assuming a November Election.

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