
How to help from home, and the number 97

First past the post means that what really matters for electoral seats is getting over the winning line in the most winnable seats. The big test for whether or not this is a successful election is how many MPs the Liberal Democrats get. That’s first past the post. You get all the prizes for getting just over the winning line and none for falling short.

The best way to help a target seat is in person, on the ground. But that’s not always practical. You can also help from the comfort of your own home, accessorised as you wish by slippers, chocolate biscuits and a cup of tea.

All it involves is making some phone calls.

You can make the calls in your own time, when it suits. Or you can join a friendly Zoom call with other Liberal Democrats and make your calls as part of a group.

Liberal Democrat members and supporters can sign-up to help here.

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