
Unusual poll finding: young people most hopeful about Conservative chances

Curious age breaks on this new poll from Deltapoll: the younger a voter is, the more likely they are to say that the Conservatives will get the most seats at this general election.

Deltapoll on who people think will win most seats at 2024 general election

Curious given how it is the opposite age picture for voting intention: the younger a voter is, the less likely they are to say that they will vote Conservative.

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7 responses to “Unusual poll finding: young people most hopeful about Conservative chances”

  1. “Curious age breaks” perhaps. But anyone under 24 was in primary school or pre-school when Labour was last in power: a different perspective.

  2. Probably because they have only known Conservative run governments, how they have been detrimental to young people and are more influenced by social media. It is at least good that do not intend to vote for them but we must hope that a voter suppression drive against them does not put them off of voting if they feel that they can not affect change.

  3. Possibly because they are interested and have noticed the Labour party’s attempts to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory.

  4. and any teacher will tell you that teenagers have a fairly skewed perspective on their parents’ generation.. but all the more reason for voting reform, as it persuades the voter to think about ‘what are MY choices’, not how are others saying I should vote, and avoiding the complexities of ‘should I vote tactically’…

  5. BEEB and SKY have had articles on the influence of TIK TOK on the election. Whilst there will be a number of reasons why the young are saying what they are, they ate also VERY involved in social media and TIK TOK is very prominent with them.I hope the party is not missing a trick here.

  6. Hopeful is the wrong word. The figures indicate a similar pessimism among old people who want the Conservatives to succeed and young people who want them to fail.

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