
One council by-election this week, in Birmingham

The low rate of council by-elections continued this week with just the one principal authority contest, in Birmingham:

Given the huge financial troubles at Birmingham Council, I wouldn’t read a wider story into this one result other than it showing the willingness of voters to consider at least some local issues.

Thank you to Lucy Hayward for being the Lib Dem candidate.

For what all this means for the running total of council by-election results since the last May elections, see my council by-elections scorecard here.

These by-election results round-ups cover principal authority by-elections as it’s only those for which comprehensive results are available. But this week, these by-elections at the town/parish/community council level did catch my eye:

What do the polls say?

The results above may tell us what voters are deciding on ballot papers, but not everywhere voted. So what’s the overall picture in the polls? Find out each week with my newsletter, The Week in Polls.

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