
Ed Davey talks about life with his disabled son

Ed Davey on Lib Dem PPB

The Guardian has the story about the debut Liberal Democrat Party Political Broadcast:

The Liberal Democrats have used their first election broadcast of the campaign to show Ed Davey in a highly personal light…

The broadcast includes footage of Davey at home as he looks after his teenage son, John, who is disabled, in part to highlight the work of carers but also to try to introduce the Lib Dem leader to voters who might know little or nothing about him.

Davey has already pushed his way on to TV election bulletins with a series of visual stunts, including falling off a paddleboard, going on a waterslide, and cycling down a steep hill.

The election broadcast, which comes after an ITV interview in which Davey talked about the early death of his parents and his worries about who will care for John in the future, is intended to introduce him to voters in dozens of seats where the Lib Dems hope to unseat Conservative MPs.

Davey told the Guardian that the decision to allow himself to be filmed at home and with his son followed a “long chat” with his wife, Emily, and was intended to help highlight the issues faced by carers.

Take a watch here:

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