
For a Fair Deal: the Lib Dem manifesto, and praise for it

Here is the Liberal Democrat general election manifesto:

Praise for the manifesto

And here is some of the praise for it…

First the housing charity Crisis:

Crisis praise for Lib Dem manifesto

Next, leading environment pressure group, Friends of the Earth:

Friends of the Earth praise for Lib Dem manifesto

Also, health experts The King’s Fund:

Kings Fund praise for Lib Dem manifesto

The IFS (Institute for Fiscal Studies) has also pointed out that the Lib Dem manifesto would do more for the least well off than the Conservative or even Labour plans.

Manifesto costings

The manifesto is all fully costed:

After years of Conservative chaos and neglect, there is no doubt that our NHS, social care, schools and other public services desperately need more investment. GPs are overstretched, hospitals are overcrowded and school buildings are crumbling.

At the same time, families and pensioners are struggling in the face of a cost-of-living crisis. The Conservatives have already put up their taxes by freezing income tax thresholds. It would be wrong to ask them to pay more to clear up the Conservatives’ mess.

That’s why we will fund our fair deal without raising income tax, national insurance contributions or VAT. Instead, we will focus on tax changes that make the system fairer – such as reversing the Conservatives’ tax cuts for the big banks and imposing a proper windfall tax on the super-profits of oil and gas companies.

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