
The tactical voting choice in Harpenden and Berkhamsted at the 2024 general election

Who is the best choice to vote for if you want to see the Conservatives lose in the new Harpenden and Berkhamsted constituency at the general election on 4 July 2024?

Tactical voting websites

Four tactical voting sites all come up with the same answer, vote for the Liberal Democrat candidate Victoria Collins:

Harpenden and Berkhamsted - GetVoting tactical vote recommendation
Harpenden and Berkhamsted constituency - tactical vote
Stop The Tories in House of Commons - Harpenden and Berkhamsted advice
Stop the Tories with Tactical Voting - Harpenden and Berkhamsted recommendation

Steve Coogan’s advice

Tactical vote campaigner (who is also know for a few other things…) Steve Coogan is urging people to vote for the Liberal Democrats in this constituency:

Show your support

If you’re going to be voting for Victoria Collins, the Liberal Democrat candidate, you can help her campaign by pledging your support here.

By letting her know that you will support her, the campaign can concentrate its efforts more effectively on those who most need persuading.

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One response to “The tactical voting choice in Harpenden and Berkhamsted at the 2024 general election”

    I do not pay much attention to them, they do not appear to be polling from each constituency but a “probability, an assessment” etc seemingly from data which is not necessarily constituency based. The variations in the figures for individual seats are often quite wide and affect all the parties. I conclude they are misleading other than to point to a general overall trend.


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