
Why being told off by a government boss is a badge of honour for Tim Farron

“As our MP, it has been my honour, pride and joy to serve you, fight for you and get things done”: Liberal Democrat MP Tim Farron giving his closing speech at an election hustings and explains why it is a bad of honour to have had a senior civil servant tell him off:

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One response to “Why being told off by a government boss is a badge of honour for Tim Farron”

  1. From my blog in 2013
    Posted on August 14, 2013
    So now I know I am officially a scaremonger. A DfE spokesperson, helpfully anonymous, is quoted by the Daily Mail today as saying of my delving into the current teacher training position that there was no teacher shortage, adding: ‘This is scaremongering and based on incomplete evidence.’

    Well the first thing to note is that I haven’t said that there is a teacher shortage, just that training places are not being filled: not the same thing. http://www.johnohowson.wordpress.com

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