
The tactical voting choice in Hazel Grove at the 2024 general election

Who is the best choice to vote for if you want to see the Conservatives lose in the Hazel Grove Parliamentary constituency at the general election on 4 July 2024?

Tactical voting websites

Four tactical voting sites all come up with the same answer, vote for the Liberal Democrat candidate Lisa Smart:

Hazel Grove - Best for Britain tactical voting recommendation
Stop the Tories with Tactical Voting - Hazel Grove recommendation
Stop The Tories in House of Commons - Hazel Grove tactical voting recommendation
Tactical voting in Hazel Grove - tactical vote

The local press

The Manchester Evening News adds:

The last election in Hazel Grove was a close contest between the Conservatives and Lib Dems, with a margin of around 4,000 votes.

It’s made the constituency one of the UK’s most closely watched swing seats…

Meanwhile, Labour has struggled to make ground in the area.

Show your support

If you’re going to be voting for Lisa Smart, the Liberal Democrat candidate, you can help her campaign by pledging your support here.

By letting her know that you will support her, the campaign can concentrate its efforts more effectively on those who most need persuading.

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