
A bar chart showing there are more Lib Dem bar charts

Some of the best data visualisations in the media during this general election are coming from Tom Calver in The Times, such as this one showing that Lib Dem bar charts are even more widespread this time around:

Tactical voting messages in leaflets graph from The Times

The data is from Caitlin Milazzo and her colleagues, whose work I’ve discussed on my podcast.

More in the full story on The Times.

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One response to “A bar chart showing there are more Lib Dem bar charts”

  1. excellent.. BUT.. the one thing that is not getting much attention is the simple fact that we don’t vote for the Leader, we actually vote for who is on the ballot paper.
    So much effort is put in by the media to turn the leaders into celebrities, that people tell me they are voting for Starmer/Sunak/Davey.. and when I point out that they are not standing in our constituency they then say ‘well you know what I mean’.
    We have lost the point that the candidate is to represent us, the constituents, yet they become representatives of the party

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