
The tactical voting choice in Bicester and Woodstock at the 2024 general election

Who is the best choice to vote for if you want to see the Conservatives defeated in the Bicester and Woodstock constituency at the general election on 4 July 2024?

About the new Bicester & Woodstock constituency

This is a new constituency with no historical antecedent. It comprises eight wards from Cherwell district and five from West Oxfordshire. Eight of the thirteen wards elected a Liberal Democrat at their last local election, showing the Liberal Democrats to be the clear challengers to the Conservatives here, with no Labour councillors elected.

In terms of the existing parliamentary seats, the component parts making up Bicester and Woodstock include Kidlington, Begbroke and Yarnton, all from Oxford West & Abingdon – currently represented by a Liberal Democrat MP (Layla Moran).

The vote shares in the last local elections across the seat were Liberal Democrat 38%, Conservative 30% and Labour 15%.

As Best for Britain say, “the Lib Dems will be treating it as a target seat while Labour will not (their attention is focused on Banbury)”. 

Tactical voting website recommendations

Five different tactical voting websites all have taken a look at the evidence and recommend voting Lib Dem here to defeat the Conservatives:

Stop The Tories in House of Commons - Bicester and Woodstock recommendation

Stop the Tories with Tactical Voting - Bicester and Woodstock recommendation

Tactical voting in Bicester and Woodstock General Election 2024

Bicester and Woodstock GetVoting org

Bicester and Woodstock - Win As One

Show your support

If you’re going to be voting for Callum Miller, the Liberal Democrat candidate, you can help his campaign by pledging your support here.

By letting him know that you will support him, the campaign can concentrate its efforts more effectively on those who most need persuading.

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