
Which colour are the Liberal Democrats?

The polling news that really matters, courtesy of YouGov. It’s all about the Liberal Democrats.

Yellow or orange Lib Dem colour - YouGov poll

Interesting age gradient in the detailed results, with the older someone is the more likely they are to say ‘yellow’. It rises from 45% for 18-24s through to 63% for the 65+. I wondered at first if this might be a reflection of the Liberal Party’s old use of yellow, but actually the party used orange aplenty too.

Some people have been having fun with these results:

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7 responses to “Which colour are the Liberal Democrats?”

  1. I suspect yellow would have been little favoured in Scotland because of the SNP and it could be few people of Northern Irish origin thought we were orange. Oh well, back to Lord Byron’s Whig colours: “I still keep my buff and blue”.

    I’d say the colour depicted is orange.

  2. In the 80s I have heard it was called old gold . Going even further back I understand in some parts of the Country including Berwick the colour used was purple. I still like the old gold . With the slogan Going for Gold.

  3. Time for a really Big decision.
    Which one stands out more on posters?
    No contest.
    Dayglo orange for me.

  4. but we really must avoid the heavy black border, that suggests a funeral.. just a thin black outline helps visibility

  5. Back in the 1980s in London the Liberals were always a strong orange. I assumed that the move to yellow/gold after the merger was an attempt to soften the liberal branding to accommodate SDP sensitivities. But orange does stand out better. Here in Sussex the Green posters are nicely camouflaged into the vegetation…

  6. With yellow increasing being associated with the SNP, I threw my campaigning yellow garments into orange dye. They came out a pleasing range of shades, so I think I’ve covered all bases. It would only prove problematic were I in North East Fife, to come across a Dark Blue (Dundee) supporter, as opposed to a Tangerine (Dundee United).

  7. I’ve always thought of the Liberal Democrat party colour as being gold and, thinking about it, our colour must be gold. Otherwise, why would we have publications like the Gold News, for example?

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