Pink Dog

The new London Tube map (June 2012 version)

Central London on the London Tube map, June 2012

Summer may not be here, but a new map of the London Underground (plus a few other bits) is, complete with some cable car and Olympic updates. Oh, and a Tracey Emin cover.

The cross-Thames cable car route has been promoted from a dashed “under construction” line to a solid footnoted line marked “opening summer 2012”. Alongside it, for no discernible knock-on reason, O2 has lost their free mention as North Greenwich station is now just that, having lost the appellation “for The O2”. [Update – via Twitter comes the news that the O2 is becoming the North Greenwich Arena for the Olympics.]

Meanwhile, the further work to improve access to the platforms at Green Park means it can thankfully return to being a one-blob station, leaving its ugly three-blog phase behind.

In one of those changes that leaves you wondering why it wasn’t made ages ago, the note for Turnham Green gives the stations precise start and stop times for the Piccadilly Line rather than the old vague “early mornings and late evenings only” text.

Elsewhere a few other blobs have been changed as the step free access at stations has been improved, and the notes include Olympic information about changes to some station opening times.

Meanwhile, the differences between the printed and electronic versions continue, including the Oval/Kennington flip flop.

One response to “The new London Tube map (June 2012 version)”

  1. O2 is not one of the sponsors of the Olympics (BT is) so they have been forced to de-brand the arena for the Games.

    I've been trying to find out whether the cable car will be part of the London Transport network and charged in the same way.

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