Pink Dog

Pizza Express: Moreton Street, Pimlico

Not much to report this time round from a Pizza Express visit as my attention was taken up by giving a talk. (To people who had arranged to come and hear me, rather than picking on random pizza lovers, in case you were wondering.)

Only time therefore to report the unfortunate placement of the sign advertising a stylish and convenient function room. A fine sign in itself; placing it in the restaurant’s one function room does however have a functional neatness only slightly undermined by the fact that, well, when in the function room you hardly need telling that there is a function room. Unless the message was meant to be: “Hah, you cheapskates have got the ugly and inconvenient function. There’s a better one elsewhere that YOU ARE NOT HAVING.”

Oh and as for the toilet signage: non-standard, of course. For non-standard toilet signage in a Pizza Express is the Pizza Express toilet signage standard. In this case, normally proportioned men and women deployed to sign the way; being in 3D rather than 2D was their distinguishing feature. No fancy handles, however.

So that is 37 down, 101 (or thereabouts) to go.

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