
Why has a Labour councillor been photoshopped into this image?

Exhibit A, a photo about a local unsafe road, featuring Labour MP Bill Esterson and Labour councillor Peter Macguire:

Formby Road photo - without Bill Esterson MP

Exhibit B, a photo featuring a third man:

Formby Road photo - with Bill Esterson MP

The man in the middle in that second photo is Labour councillor, Steve McGinnity.

As the Birkdale Focus site (from which I’ve got these photos) says:

It’s obvious that one of two things have happened here.

Either, Bill Esterson (and Cllr Peter Macguire – far right) managed to turn up exactly in the same place a year later, wearing exactly the same clothes, making exactly the same pose, not mentioning that light seems to bend around Bill on to Steve McGinnity.


More likely, just like a Labour politician before him, Bill has put himself at the heart of a photoshop scandal.

That’s a reference to former Labour MP James Purnell, he of the photoshopping incident a few years back.

Mind you, any professional photoshopper would have remembered to add someone not once, but twice.

2 responses to “Why has a Labour councillor been photoshopped into this image?”

  1. Sefton Labour Party have accused the Lib Dems of dirty tricks by bringing this photo to public attention.

  2. That’s an incredibly amateurish photoshopping job, too: the light and the scale are obviously different.

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