
Lib Dem conference MP fringe league table 2013: please send any spare time machines to Vince

Back for its fifth year is my Liberal Democrat conference fringe meeting league table, showing how many fringes each MP will be speaking at. As ever, this is based on the information from the official listings.

Vince Cable easily wins not only top spot in the league table but also the coveted Simon Hughes Memorial Prize for Multiple Simultaneous Fringe Bookings as he shuttles at high speed along corridors, round corners and not quite into people in order to appear at different meetings all at the same time.

In a particularly impressive feat, he has once again managed to combine a 1-to-1 format where he is the guest with being booked to speak at other fringes at the same time. He is hoping presumably for some exceptionally lengthy questions so he can nip out, give a quick speech and come back all before he has to give an answer.

Last time he managed a mere two other fringe panel appearances at the same time as a 1-to-1 interview. Hardened by experience, this time he is down for two panel appearances and a speech all at the same time as doing a 1-to-1 interview – oh, and is double-booked on four other occasions too. Perhaps he’s bringing a Tardis with him to Glasgow.

As a result of Vince’s diary contortions, Norman Lamb – who is trebled booked once and double booked three other times – instead has to settle for runners-up spot in the Simon Hughes Memorial stakes for a performance that would normally see him take home the diamond-encrusted prize.


Vince Cable


Norman Baker


Norman Lamb


Julian Huppert
Simon Hughes


Danny Alexander
Jeremy Browne
Jo Swinson


David Laws
Don Foster
Stephen Gilbert
Steve Webb
Tim Farron


David Heath
Ed Davey
Paul Burstow


Martin Horwood
Michael Moore
Sarah Teather


Alan Beith
Alistair Carmichael
Lynne Featherstone
Stephen Lloyd
Tessa Munt


Annette Brooke
Mike Crockart
Ming Campbell
Stephen Williams


Charles Kennedy
Duncan Hames
Gordon Birtwistle
John Pugh
Lorely Burt
Malcolm Bruce
Mike Thornton
Nick Clegg
Nick Harvey
Tom Brake
Andrew Stunell


Ian Swales
John Hemming
Mark Hunter
Roger Williams


Adrian Sanders
Alan Reid
Andrew George
Bob Russell
Dan Rogerson
(David Ward)
Greg Mulholland
Jenny Willott
John Leech
John Thurso
Mark Williams
(Mike Hancock)
Robert Smith
Simon Wright

Note: I have included MPs marked as “tbc” and “invited” but excluded those who are not listed even if I know otherwise (as my extra information is only partial).

For the previous years see: 2009 (Simon Hughes award winner: Simon Hughes), 2010 (Simon Hughes award winner: shared by Paul Burstow, Vince Cable, Lynne Featherstone and Sarah Teather), 2011 (Simon Hughes award winner: Vince Cable) and 2012 (Simon Hughes award winner: Norman Baker).

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