Welcome to PollBase, my database of national voting intention opinion polls, going back to 1943 and the largest such dataset. For more recent years, it includes party leader and government ratings.

It is updated quarterly, but you can find the latest voting intention polls in my scorecard here. To find out more about how to make sense of the polls and their history, see my book, Polling UnPacked.

Download PollBase

Download latest edition of PollBase here (Excel)

Using PollBase

You are very welcome to use the data from my political opinion polls database, and indeed one of the reasons I maintain it are the regular stories which appear making use of it.

LocalBase: local council election results 1973-today

I only ask two things in return – that if you spot any errors or omissions you let me know and that you credit the source of the data (including, if you make use of it online, a link back to this page). Thank you.

I update PollBase once a quarter, both adding in the new national voting intention polls from the last quarter and also improving the older data, such as filling in gaps and adding additional polls that were missing from the main sources. So if you use PollBase please make sure to check back here that you are using the latest edition, even if you are only using it for historic data.

Polling news by email

I write a weekly round-up of the latest British political polling news, The Week in Polls, which you can sign up to here:

PollBase Pro

Jack Bailey and Luke Mansillo have taken this data and turned it into PollBase Pro, daily estimates of aggregate voting intention in Great Britain from 1955. Details here.

Background to PollBase

For years I have been accumulating data about national voting intention opinion polls in the UK and have records of various sorts stretching back to 1943. I had previously held off sharing them as the data is not in a perfect state. However, given that perfection never arrives, back in 2011 I decided to stop holding off and make the data available in case other people also find it useful.

Many people have helped over the years with this data answering all sorts of questions from me. Particular thanks for providing an exceptionally large number of answers go to William Jennings (who has generously shared the data he has been compiling), Roger Mortimore, Anthony Wells and the staff of Swiss Cottage public library.

PollBase version history

In addition to the usual addition of the latest three months of data and occasional minor additions or corrections, the following more notable changes have also been made in previous updates:

1 July 2024

  • Added tab to explain the abbreviations used in the ‘publisher’ columns.

24 May 2024

  • A special out of sequence update incorporating lots of minor updates to historic polls, such as addition of initial fieldwork dates. As part of this the use of abbreviations for the same outlet across the decades has also been standardised.

1 April 2024

  • Backfilled data from Stonehaven ‘s MRPs in this Parliament.
  • Government and leader rating figures have only appeared in Pollbase for polls from this century. I have started backfilling some of this data, starting with Gallup thanks to a very helpful spreadsheet from Will Jennings. I expect filling in the data from Gallup, and then spreading to other pollsters, will be a long process so each quarterly update for a good while yet will likely include some extra data of this sort.
  • As part of that, there have also been various minor changes to previous Gallup polls, such as changing some party figures to give them to the nearest half point, reflecting Gallup’s approach to publishing its figures, and adding in more of the month-long “Gallup 9000” results.
  • Thank you to Stan Anson for identifying a dozen or so corrections or additions to leader ratings for 2004-2010.

1 July 2023

  • Additional voting intention and leader rating data from Deltapoll from the last Parliament and this. Thank you to the firm for providing two handy historical spreadsheets to fill in gaps.

1 April 2023

  • This update includes results of searching the digitised archives for The Guardian and The Observer for stories containing ‘opinion poll’ or ‘Daily Express’ and ‘poll’ up to the end of 1959. Fruits include an extra poll from 1951.

1 January 2023

1 July 2021

  • Thank you to Philip Cannings for spotting various errors in the dates for polls.

1 January 2021

  • An additional poll from the 2017-19 Parliament.
  • Addition of a poll from the 1938 Oxford by-election.

1 October 2020

  • Added seven Marplan polls from 1968-1970 previously missing from historic polling datasets.
  • Several small additions and corrections to information about polls close to general election polling day in Parliaments up to the 1970 general election.

1 April 2020

  • Added significant back catalogue of YouGov party leader rating polling carried out separately from voting intention polls.
  • Many thanks to Marios Richards for spotting various errors and inconsistencies with dates.

1 January 2020

  • Notes on whether past Survation polls were UK or Great Britain-wide. Most pollsters carry out their voting intention polls on the latter basis, i.e. excluding Northern Ireland. However, Survation usually polls on a UK basis. Thank you to Damian Lyons Lowe for helping me with these updates.
  • Previously missing Survation polls from May 2014 and June 2016.
  • Additional details and a correction regarding the final pre-general election polls from Survation in 2015 along with corrected fieldwork dates for a November 2017 and a June 2018 Survation poll.

1 January 2019

  • Fieldwork dates added for several February 1974 polls.
  • Fieldwork dates corrected for several September 1974 polls, and an additional NOP poll added.
  • Extra YouGov leader ratings from 2017 and 2018.

1 October 2018

  • Addition of Sky News polls from 2015 onwards which, although only carried out amongst Sky subscribers, are weighted to be nationally representative and are carried out in line with the British Polling Council’s rules. More details here.
  • Additional BMG leadership ratings and preferred Prime Minister scores for both the 2015 and 2017 Parliaments. In addition, the figures now consistently are reported without being recalculated to exclude don’t knows. This brings them into line with how similar figures from other firms report their figures, although The Independent’s media coverage often gives the recalculated figures only. Thank you to Michael Turner and BMG for providing the extra data.

1 July 2018

  • Corrected election results figures for 2017 (thank you Martyn Hill for spotting my UK/GB mix-up).
  • An additional four sets of BMG voting intention figures from 2017 and 2018, which were not released at the time but subsequently featured in a tracking graph on the firm’s website. Thank you to BMG’s Michael Turner for help with sourcing the details.
  • An additional Kantar poll from 2017.
  • The publication date for an April 1992 poll.
  • Additional information for the 1992 exit polls.

1 October 2017

  • Additional data, including an extra poll, from SurveyMonkey for the 2015-17 Parliament (with thanks to Mark Blumenthal).

1 January 2017

  • A change of name for ‘Mark’s spreadsheet’ to PollBase which, given the number of spreadsheets I have, should at least make me less confused in the future.
  • The addition of further Parliamentary by-election polls (the tab holding these comes after the tabs for each Parliament’s polls). It starts with the first ever by-election poll in the UK in 1938 and is (I hope!) comprehensive from 2008. But that leaves gaps in the Parliamentary by-election polls dataset, so if you have any historic data you would be happy to share – especially for 1970s and 1980s – please do get in touch.
  • Minor additions and corrections for polls carried out just before the 1970 general election.

2 October 2016

  • Addition of several BMG polls from earlier in 2016 which were not published until September.
  • An extra poll from 1992 – one which actually got the election result right.
  • Extra exit poll information for 1983, 1987 and 1992 – thank you to Amolak Mann for drawing this to my attention.
  • Some further small updates to opinion polls late in the general election campaigns of the 1970s and 1980s. Thank you once again to Nick Moon and Will Jennings for sharing information which has helped greatly with this.

4 July 2016

  • Addition of several BMG polls from earlier in 2016 which were not published until September.
  • An extra poll from 1992 – one which actually got the election result right.
  • Extra exit poll information for 1983, 1987 and 1992 – thank you to Amolak Mann for drawing this to my attention.
  • Some further small updates to opinion polls late in the general election campaigns of the 1970s and 1980s. Thank you once again to Nick Moon and Will Jennings for sharing information which has helped greatly with this.

2 April 2016

  • Extra fieldwork dates for late campaign polls in 1950, 1959, 1966, 1970 and 1974.
  • An extra Forensic Statistics poll from 1959, an extra NOP poll from 1987 and an extra ASL poll from 1992.
  • Several internal Conservative Party polls from 1983, conducted by Harris and Gallup.
  • Various extra details about the MORI polls in the 1979-83 Parliament and the addition of information about the 1983 exit polls.
  • The underlying national vote share projections from the 2015 exit poll as well as a missing SurveyMonkey poll from the same year.
  • Several of these updates are courtesy of the 2015 general election polling post-mortem and particular thanks to Will Jennings on that score.

31 December 2015

  • A correction to one of the final 1945 polls (thank you Will Jennings).
  • Minor updates to polls from the 1970-74 Parliament, such as the newspaper they were published in.
  • An extra ORC poll from October 1974 along with an exit poll from that election too.
  • An Opinium poll referred to by The Observer from the summer but not previously published by it (thank you, James Crouch).

1 October 2015

  • 100 extra ORC polls, 41 extra Harris polls and 4 extra MORI polls from the 1960s and 1970s, for some of which only the Labour/Conservative lead is known.
  • Several extra polls in full from the 1974-79 Parliament along with other updates to the publisher, fieldwork dates etc.

4 July 2015

  • Includes additional polls and corrections for the 1950s especially, in large part courtesy of Stephen Fisher who has kindly shared his research with me.

2 May 2015

  • Special pre-election update. Includes some small additional data for the 2005-2010 Parliament too.

1 April 2015

  • Backfilled small number of missing one-off polls from earlier quarters. Also, standardised layout of different sheets in the spreadsheet, correct many small inconsistencies. (Thank you to James Reade for pointing out many of them.)

1 April 2014

  • Extra and corrected data for 1945.

31 March 2013

  • Added in previously missing ICM Wisdom Index polls. (Thank you to Lev Eakins for spotting the extra data.)
  • Started new tab for European election specific polls.
  • Backfilled various polls with UKIP ratings.
  • Added in extra NOP polls over several decades. (Thank you to Will Jennings and colleagues for sharing their data.)

30 December 2012

  • Added extra Gallup data for 1951-55 Parliament.

31 March 2012

  • Missing TNS-BMRB data for 2010 Parliament added. (Thank you to Nick Howat.)
  • Missing Opinium data for May 2010 – March 2012 added. (Thank you to Adam Drummond.)

31 December 2011

  • The first public version of PollBase uploaded, containing polls up to the end of 2011.

7 responses to “PollBase: Opinion polls database from 1943-today”

  1. Hi Mark,
    Thanks for this great resource.
    A dumb question if I may.
    Is the publisher DM, the Mail or the Mirror?
    Many thanks,

  2. This is an incredible resource, and it’s really fascinating to look at the historical trends in opinion polls. Thank you verry much for putting this together and maintaining it.

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